
Wisconsin Democrat Leader Kills Two In Car Crash

PLUS: How safe it cataract surgery? When is it okay to drive again?

AMERICAN DIGEST – It’s always devastating when young lives are cut short by traffic accidents. However, it’s worse when it was possibly preventable.

A car crash involving Wisconsin Democrat Minority Leader Janet Bewley Friday afternoon took the lives of a mother and her young daughter, the Conservative Brief reported. Bewley was on the phone at the time of the crash and had cataract surgery just the day before.

Pennsylvania woman Alyssa Ortman, 27, was driving with her 5-year-old daughter, Khaleesi Fink, when Bewley allegedly pulled in front of her. The two cars collided and caused Ortman’s vehicle to spin and strike 45-year-old Jodi Munson’s vehicle.

At the time of the crash, Bewley was on her phone giving an interview to Milwaukee Journal Sentinal reporting intern Ben Baker.

The pair were speaking about the upcoming elections for the legislature when Bewley cut off midsentence, prompting him to ask Bewley if she was still there … READ MORE. 

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UPDATE – AUG 1, 2022, 10 DAYS AFTER THE CRASH: Ashland police have received initial reports from the State Patrol regarding a July 22 fatal crash on Highway 2 but still are awaiting more witness interviews and additional information about the wreck.

Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said Friday that his department is gathering video footage from places along Highway 2 that might have captured images of the vehicles involved before or during the crash. Source

How Soon can I Drive after Cataract Surgery?

Written by Dr. David Evans Last modified on April 22, 2019

BETTER VISION GUIDE When it comes to cataract surgery, prospective patients are invariably drawn to questions related to the cost of treatment and the recovery process. With that in mind, I thought I’d devote this post to answering a specific recovery question people seem to ask me time and time again: How long after cataract surgery can I drive again?

The surgery requires anesthesia, which means you will not be allowed to drive home after treatment. (In fact, you can’t even take a cab home after surgery.) It’s not that you should expect to be utterly debilitated after being treated.

It’s simply a matter of precautionary regulations dictating standards eye care facilities must adhere to. One of these standards requires that patients be released to the care of a friend or relative that can stay with the patient to ensure there are no immediate side effects (however rare) from the surgery or anesthesia.

“For driving, the minimal amount of time before you should be OK to drive is 24 hours after the fact, though you are strongly advised to wait for confirmation from your doctor based on your follow-up examination.”

You’re probably not surprised to hear that you can’t drive yourself home from the surgery, but what about the bigger question of when exactly you can drive again? The answer is… it depends.

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The day after surgery you will have a follow-up visit with your surgeon, who will evaluate your recovery and test your vision.

Typically, vision is greatly improved immediately after surgery. For driving, the minimal amount of time before you should be OK to drive is 24 hours after the fact, though you are strongly advised to wait for confirmation from your doctor based on your follow-up examination.

Everyone reacts differently to cataract surgery, so some people might recover more quickly than others. Your doctor may advise you to avoid driving for a longer period of time, just to be safe. This means you should plan on having someone to drive you at least two times: to your home immediately after surgery, and back to the doctor’s office the day after for your follow-up visit.

Keep in mind that cataract surgery has proven to be an extremely safe and effective restorative procedure, with more than 3 million surgeries performed each year in the U.S. alone. Often requiring 15 minutes or less, recovery tends to be smooth and trouble free.

You may be required to wear a protective eye shield for a few days after surgery, and it may take a week or so for your vision to completely adapt. If you have any questions or concerns, you should speak with your eye doctor immediately. source 

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