
Who ‘Jane Doe #3’ Was Trafficked to and Why That’s One of the Most Troubling Revelations of All

RedState.com – The “Epstein list” refers to documents revealing names or “Doe” numbers of people who were associated with Jeffrey Epstein. It included all kinds of people, including victims, and not just alleged clients.

Here we see the addition of other John Does and witnesses (some new) –

All with potential knowledge of “Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s sexual trafficking”

Bill Clinton
Doug Band (Clinton advisor)
Prince Andrew
Sophie Biddle pic.twitter.com/KMIAnoY0z4

— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) January 4, 2024

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One of the most troubling documents among the Epstein documents that have come out so far is the one referencing Jane Doe #3, a teenager whom Epstein trafficked to “powerful men.”

Who are the people Epstein trafficked Jane Doe #3 to? pic.twitter.com/0K21xyS7bq
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) January 4, 2024

Those men included “numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.”

Epstein “required the girl to describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them,” the document said.

“Epstein also sexually trafficked the then-minor Jane Doe, making her available for sex to politically-connected and financially-powerful people,” according to the court record.

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The financier’s purported goal in “lending” Jane Doe 3 to his influential pals was to “ingratiate” himself with them for financial gain, but also “to obtain potential blackmail information.”

Blackmail might explain why Epstein seemed to have so much money and license to do what he wanted. But it also raises the question of who was being blackmailed, what he had on them, and how they were being blackmailed …


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