
Vulgar ‘Medical Expert’ Eminem Says You MUST Wear A Mask

Screenshot: CNN

July 10, 2020

CNN – Kid Cudi and Eminem released their first collaboration on Friday titled “The Adventures of Moon Man & Slim Shady.”

The song touches on a number of topics, from people refusing to wear masks to police brutality, and appears to take aim at the Trump administration:

Bunch of half-wits up in office
Half of us walking around like a zombie apocalypse
Other half are just pissed off and
Don’t wanna wear a mask and they’re just scoffing
And that’s how you end up catching the sh-t off ’em
I just used the same basket as you shopping
Now I’m in a f—ing casket from you coughin’

Eminem, not one to mince words, is very critical of those who refuse to wear masks and talks about police brutality.

...article continued below
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Prayers to George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery
How the f— is it that so many cops are dirty?
Stop, man, please, officer, I’m sorry
But I can’t breathe when I got you on top of me
Your god—- knee’s on my carotid artery

Read more.

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