
Voter: I Am Leaving The Democratic Party Over Obamacare, “Everything They Said Was Not True”

A two-time cancer survivor delivered a video monologue on how he was duped by Obamacare and the Democratic party on healthcare reform ...

I thought I would share why I am no longer a Democrat…

I was a two-time bone cancer survivor, still am. That’s how I lost my arm.

Having healthcare was extremely important to me. I heard all the talking points of “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,” “if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, “the average family is going to save $1,500 a year,” “it’s not a tax.”

All of this stuff makes sense to me, how this was being pushed.

And then the Democrats were saying Republicans don’t want you to have health insurance if you have pre-existing conditions. Well I was a walking pre-existing condition having cancer twice.

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“I voted for that shit. And it did nothing but hurt me and my family.” 

My insurance was $185/month with a $1,000 deductible. That was for a family of 5. So I voted for Obama-Biden in 2008 based on Obamacare.

Now fast forward to 2010 when Obamacare was implemented. Everything that they said was not true. The Supreme Court ruled that it was a tax if you didn’t have insurance, that penalty. So that was a lie.

Insurance premiums went up instead of down. That was a lie.

The insurance policy that I had specifically that I had going through 2 bouts of cancer — chemotherapy, amputation, all of this stuff. It was great insurance.

The insurance company canceled it because under the new Obamacare guidelines that policy wasn’t good enough so they no longer offered it.

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They came up with a new offer and said this is what your new plan will be or you can go through the marketplace …

“For ten years I was penalized every single year because I could no longer afford the insurance that I was required to get through law through Obamacare.”



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