
Vacationing ‘Super-Spreaders’ May Ruin Everything

super spreader
Boss Tweed, CC BY 2.0

June 1, 2020 |

Fox News – As states across America being to reopen, some scientists are voicing fears about so-called “super spreaders” who may be responsible for larger numbers of coronavirus cases through airborne transmission.

Although many businesses are reopening with stringent social distancing guidelines, those practices vary significantly from state to state and even from city to city within various states.

Kimberly Prather, an atmospheric chemist at University of California San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, wrote in a recent perspective paper in Science that a review of existing literature provides evidence that the new coronavirus can linger in the air, perhaps even for hours, before entering a person’s lungs.

“Evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 is silently spreading in aerosols exhaled by highly contagious infected individuals with no symptoms. Owing to their smaller size, aerosols may lead to higher severity of COVID-19 because virus-containing aerosols penetrate more deeply into the lungs,” the paper concluded.

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That initial paper from Prather and her colleagues was meant to encourage the widespread adoption of wearing a mask in public … Read more. 

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