
Ultraprocessed foods linked to early death risk

THE HILL – A 30-year study found that eating ultraprocessed foods is linked to a higher risk of early death.

The study, published Wednesday in the BMJ journal, examined the eating habits of 115,000 people and found that a higher intake of ultraprocessed foods was associated with a slightly higher mortality risk.

The results varied based on which foods people ate, but meat, poultry and seafood “ready-to-eat” products showed strong associations with mortality.

“Ultra-processed foods, which are typically of low nutritional quality and high energy density, have been dominating the food supply of high income countries, and their consumption is markedly increasing in middle income countries,” the study said.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, ultraprocessed foods account for 57 percent of adults’ daily energy intake and 67 percent in youths in the United States.

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“Meats consistently showed strong associations with mortality outcomes, while soda, ice cream and processed breakfast foods also had high association with mortality.”

Ultraprocessed foods have added sugars, sodium, saturated fats, trans fats, refined carbohydrates and add very little fiber.

They also may contain harmful substances such as additives and contaminants that are added during the foods’ processing, the study said.

The study found the ultraprocessed food was linked to increased risk of mortality, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, depression and postmenopausal breast cancer …

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