
Trump’s Former M.D. Wins Primary, Shoo-In For Congress

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson, MD, right, has won the Republican primary in a heavily Republican congressional district in Texas.

“I don’t wear a mask all that often, to be honest with you.” – Dr. Ronny Jackson

Trump’s former physician wins GOP primary runoff for Texas congressional seat

Politico – Dr. Ronny Jackson, a Republican congressional candidate in Texas and the former physician to the president, said Wednesday that Americans should not be required to wear masks to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Jackson was victorious on Tuesday in the Republican primary for Texas’ 13th congressional district, a seat currently occupied by retiring Republican Rep. Mac Thornberry. Trump endorsed Jackson, who will face Democratic nominee Gus Trujillo in November’s general election. [The district is heavily Republican, making Jackson a virtual shoo-in to win the seat. – Editor]

“I think that wearing a mask is a personal choice, and I don’t particularly want my government telling me that I have to wear a mask. And so I think that’s a choice that I can make,” Jackson told “Fox & Friends.”

The remarks from Jackson, a retired Navy rear admiral who served as the personal doctor for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, not only contradict the universal guidance of public health experts, but also undermine Texas Gov. Greg Abbott — who has mandated that most of his state’s residents wear a mask.

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Amid a resurgence of coronavirus infections across the South and West, the Republican governor imposed a statewide mask order this month, demanding Texans in counties with more than 20 Covid-19 cases cover their faces when social distancing is not possible … 

But Jackson argued Wednesday Americans should “look at your personal circumstances” and “look at your surroundings” to determine whether mask-wearing is “right for you.”

“I’m a firm believer that that’s, at this point, a personal choice,” he said. “And I encourage people, if they want to wear a mask, to wear a mask. But I don’t wear a mask all that often, to be honest with you.”

Jackson’s apparent aversion to masks underscores the extent to which they have become politicized during the public health crisis … Read more. 

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