
Thomas Jefferson on Vaccines: “Gratitude due to you from the whole human family”

My letter to G. C. Edward Jenner, By President Thomas Jefferson

This is my letter to G. C. Edward Jenner, developer of the first smallpox vaccine, dated May 14, 1806. I received my first smallpox inoculation much earlier in 1766 (age 23) when I traveled to Philadelphia. It wasn’t popular at the time, and even discouraged in Virginia.

In August 1801 (when I was President), I expanded my commitment to smallpox inoculation, directing the inoculation of members of my family, household, and neighbors at Monticello, including slaves — about 200 people in total — using vaccines received from Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse, after successfully vaccinating his own children against smallpox.

Dr. Waterhouse sent me a copy of his pamphlet “A Prospect of Exterminating the Small-Pox” in 1800. I sponsored him in distributing the vaccine to all of the Southern states.]

The Letter 

I have received the copy of the Evidence at large respecting the discovery of the Vaccine inoculation, which you have been pleased to send me, & for which I return you my thanks.

Having been among the early converts, in this part of the globe, to it’s efficacy, I took an early part in recommending it to my countrymen.

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I avail myself of this occasion of rendering you my portion of the tribute of gratitude due to you from the whole human family. Medicine has never before produced any single improvement of such utility.

Harvey’s discovery of the circulation of the blood was a beautiful addition to our knowledge of the animal economy. But on a review of the practice of medicine before & since that epoch, I do not see any great amelioration which has been derived from that discovery.

You have erased from the Calendar of human afflictions one of its greatest. Yours is the comfortable reflection that mankind can never forget that you have lived. Future nations will know by history only that the loathsome smallpox has existed, & by you has been extirpated.

Accept the most fervent wishes for your health & happiness, & assurances of the greatest respect & consideration.

/s/ Thomas Jefferson

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