
These have all been called ‘nature’s Viagra’ — but do they work?

THE NEW YORK POST – For men suffering from erectile dysfunction, the solution may be one of these natural remedies.

Red grape juice

A new study published in the Aging Male has revealed that men who regularly drink grape juice could significantly lower their odds of erectile dysfunction.

Researchers at Tianjin Medical University General Hospital in Northern China found that, compared to those who consumed no grape juice at all, men who drank grape juice five times or more per week experienced a 79% decrease in ED struggles.

“Grape juice has many phenolic compounds with health benefits, and red grape juice has more of these than white,” the team said in a report on their findings.

The research team posited that this is likely because red grape varieties have higher levels of plant chemicals called phenols. These chemicals keep arteries healthy and hinder narrowing that might restrict blood flow to the genitals.

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“Based on these results, we suggest men — especially those over 40 — may benefit from consuming grape juice more than five times a week to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction,” they stated.

In addition to its libido-boosting qualities, red grape juice is also known to improve cardiovascular health by strengthening circulatory tissues and protecting against damage from high cholesterol.


A study from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that caffeine reduces the likelihood of ED.

Researchers found that men over the age of 20 who consumed the caffeine equivalent of two to three cups of coffee a day were less likely to report ED issues than men who steered clear of the stimulant. The connection was strongest in overweight gents.

Why does it work?

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Caffeine has properties similar to ED drugs like Viagra, said study co-author Run Wang, MD …


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