
The Top 10 DARWIN AWARDS of 2023


PLUS: The Top 10 DARWIN AWARDS of 2023

Man tries to fight a lion (and loses, surprisingly)

An Australian kung-fu master told his class in 1996 that they were good enough to ‘take on lions’. This encouragement was not supposed to be taken literally. One student took the words to heart and headed to his local zoo. Many shocked zoo visitors reportedly saw the ensuing ‘fight’, but we’ll leave the details up to your imagination.

Two men steal a plane after a drunken bender – it doesn’t end well

We are constantly told not to drink and drive. But drinking and flying? No, it doesn’t work out well either, as two Canadian men discovered in 1996 after a weekend of boozing when they flew their stolen plane into some power lines.

Home-made bungee jumping cords don’t work as well

First, the brave young fellow used tape to fix two different bungee cords together, and then he cut them to measure the exact height of the bridge he wanted to jump from. He tied a cord to his car and jumped into the abyss, forgetting that bungee cords are designed to stretch.

Terrorist opens his letter bomb

Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet decided to send out a letter bomb in 2000. Not being the brightest of sparks, he forgot to put enough postage stamps on the letter, meaning it came back to the ‘return to sender’ address. Khay was so happy to receive some post that he ripped it open. His career in terrorism ended there.

Lava lamp gets revenge on its owner

Lava lamps are cool (if you live in the Playboy mansion, circa 1989), which is why a man bought one in Washington back in 2004. After plugging it in, the man, known as Philip, took too long to get going and put it on the stove to speed the process up. This got a lot more interesting when it exploded and embedded a shard of glass in Philips’s chest. He bled to death … read more. 

Darwin Awards Podcast, DEC 18, 2023 

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