
The ghastly record of Tim Walz and the $25B global IVF industry

The destruction of millions of viable human embryos is just a cost of doing business to the multi-billion dollar IVF industry | PLUS: More human embryos destroyed through IVF than abortion every year

The Washington Times – Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign introduced her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, on Tuesday by highlighting that he and his wife used in-vitro fertilization to conceive their daughter, Hope.

“Governor Walz and Mrs. Walz struggled with years of fertility challenges and had their daughter, Hope, through reproductive health care like IVF — further cementing his commitment to ensuring all Americans have access to this care,” the Harris campaign said in a statement announcing his selection.

[They apparently did not struggle with the choice of dispose of ‘excess’ viable human embryos in medical waste. – HEADLINE HEALTH]

Democrats are campaigning on IVF access as part of their pro-[abortion] policy, trying to portray Republicans’ pro-life agenda as interfering with the treatments …

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“The global In vitro fertilization market size was valued at $25.3 billion in 2023.” – Grand View Research 

Harris-Walz culture of death: 

More human embryos are destroyed through IVF than abortion year after year

Don’t want your viable human embryos anymore? Since they are just useless and unwanted blobs of meaningless tissue, go ahead and dispose of them in medical waste … HEADLINE HEALTH

By Tyler Arnold, Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 13, 2024

An Alabama Supreme Court ruling that recognized the personhood of embryonic life sparked a nationwide debate about in vitro fertilization (IVF) over the last three weeks — but some people might be unaware that the industry’s death toll for preborn life is likely higher than that of abortion.

IVF is a fertility treatment in which doctors extract eggs from the woman and fertilize the eggs with sperm to create human embryos in a laboratory without a sexual act. IVF can cost the couple between $20,000 and $30,000 for a single treatment.

Because IVF treatments have a low success rate — about 50% for women under the age of 35 but significantly lower as women get older — clinics create far more human embryos than they intend to bring to term.

Although this is meant to maximize the chance of the woman bearing one healthy child, it has also resulted in killing or indefinitely freezing millions of excess embryos.

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IVF clinics do not report the exact number of embryos that are killed in their care, but clinics normally extract between 10 and 15 eggs for one treatment. According to the IVF clinic chain Illume Fertility, if the clinic extracts 12 eggs, about 80% — nine or 10 eggs — will be viable and about 80% of viable eggs will successfully fertilize to create embryos — making about seven or eight embryos per patient.

The CDC estimates that more than 238,000 patients attempted IVF in 2021. If clinics created between seven and eight embryos for every patient, that would yield about 1.6 million to 1.9 million over a year.

Despite these high numbers, fewer than 100,000 embryos were brought to term, which suggests that somewhere between 1.5 million and 1.8 million embryos created through IVF were never born.

Alternatively, the abortion industry claimed about 985,000 lives from July 2022 through June 2023 — suggesting that the IVF industry could be ending nearly twice as many human lives every year. …

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