
The COVID Debate Is Over: New York Was Wrong, Florida Was Right

OPINION – The lockdowns were a mistake to begin with

Fox News – The numbers are in.

As if there was much doubt about it, a new study has revealed that some of our nation’s bluest big states underperformed on COVID response compared to ruby red Florida and others.

The number crunching which combined deaths, economic harm, and educational impact, was done by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, and it’s a doozy.

At the very bottom of the list of states, to the surprise of absolutely nobody who was paying attention, are New York and New Jersey.

The Empire State’s handsy disgraced and former governor Andrew Cuomo was heralded as the leader the world needed on COVID just two years ago.

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But according to the study his state, and others with widespread lockdowns “had high age-adjusted death rates, they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shut down much longer than almost all other states.”

Meanwhile, as the nation continues to emerge from COVID, even in Democrat run cities, Dr. Anthony Fauci, of all people, is telling Americans it’s time to assess their own personal risk of the virus. Dr. Fauci, a man so risk averse he wouldn’t place a bet on the sun rising in the East.

While it’s great that Fauci and other leaders are finally coming around to the idea of living with risk so as not to destroy the entire economy and children’s education, what the study makes clear is that this should have been our government’s attitude all along.

It will not be easy for former proponents of strict lockdown to accept this data, but then again they were the ones insisting we “follow the science.”

The plain, obvious fact of the matter is that states like Florida which opened up as early as late April 2020 never experienced the kind of death and destruction that detractors of Gov. Ron DeSantis warned of …

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