
Texas death row inmate executed after court rejects claim that he was “psychotic and paranoid”

NEW YORK POST – Tracy Beatty, 61, uttered “See you on the other side” before he received a lethal injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville.

The inmate was found guilty of murdering his mother, Carolyn Click, after an argument in her East Texas mobile home in November 2003.

Beatty’s lawyers had appealed his death sentence, arguing he shouldn’t be executed due to his history of mental illness. However, the Supreme Court shot down the appeal Wednesday morning to stop the execution.

Prosecutors said Beatty strangled his 62-year-old mom and then buried her body beside her mobile home before blowing her money on drugs and alcohol.

The mother and son had a “volatile and combative relationship,” prosecutors said. Click confided in a neighbor that Beatty had assaulted her several times.

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“In their petition to the courts to spare his life, Beatty’s legal team cited one expert’s opinion that the murder was ‘clearly psychotic and has a complex paranoid delusional belief system’ in which he thinks correctional officers torture him with their ‘menacing voices’ via a device in his ear.”

Beatty moved back in with Click a month before her death and she had been excited for his return so that they could have time to mend their relationship, Wilkerson said.

However, the pair began arguing daily and Click asked him to move out at least twice, including just before she was killed, according to trial testimony.

“Several times [Beatty] had said he just wanted to shut her up, that he just wanted to choke her and shut her up,” Wilkerson testified … READ MORE. 

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