
Take it all off for better sleep

THE ALTERANTIVE DAILY – Sleeping in the nude may help you to get better Z’s!

A body of research is finding that regulating sleep temperature may bring some relief to people living with insomnia.

According to Dr. Cameron Van den Heuvel, a research fellow involved in a 2009 study of body temperature and sleep performed by the University of South Australia’s Centre for Sleep Research:

“Temperature regulation is a significant factor in each of the two types of insomnia. The difference is when insomnia occurs.

“People with sleep onset insomnia have difficulty initiating sleep at the beginning of the night, taking two to four hours each night in the worst cases; while people with sleep maintenance insomnia fall asleep easily but have trouble staying asleep, waking up multiple times during the night…In both types of insomnia, sleep is not restful, and sufferers are tired during the day.”

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Dr. Van den Heuvel adds:

“Studies of sleep onset insomniacs show that they consistently have a warmer core body temperature immediately before initiating sleep, when compared with normal healthy adults.

“This results in a state of heightened arousal that prevents them from falling asleep when they go to bed, probably because they have to wait for their bodies to lose the heat that’s keeping them awake.

“We’re only talking about a half to one degree, but that small temperature change can result in significant differences in arousal between insomniacs and people without sleeping problems.”

Based on this research, it may be worth shedding your clothes, as well as that heavy blanket, if you struggle with insomnia, or have any difficulty falling asleep at night

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It may encourage greater intimacy

Perhaps the most obvious reason to sleep naked is that it may help to amplify the intimacy and excitement between you and your partner. Not only can sleeping naked next to your loved one be exciting, but it can also release oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone” …


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