
heart disease - search results

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How old is too old to be shoveling snow this winter?

USA TODAY – One of the most laborious chores related to the winter weather is snow shoveling. Though the task may just be another household...

Want to Live Longer? You Better Start Moving—All Day Long.

Scientists crunched the numbers to come up with the single best predictor of how long you’ll live—and arrived at a surprisingly low-tech answer.

Is Canola Oil Healthy?

EATING WELL – A variety of oils—soybean, peanut and rapeseed included—are being shamed for the same reason, says Elizabeth Shaw, M.S., RDN, CPT, a...

Common food linked to over 30 health conditions

The British Medical Journal has published a study that shows just how bad ultra-processed food is for the body and how it is linked to over 30 health issues.

I’m a pharmacist and would never take these supplements

UK pharmacist Amina Khan — founder and director of the skincare and supplements brand the Pharmacist Beauty — is revealing the three types of supplements she avoids.

Why Diet Coke is growing again

“The carbonated soft drinks category is outperforming our expectations,” Timothy Cofer, the CEO of Keurig Dr Pepper. 

Got a Sweet Tooth? Here’s Why Your Risk of Depression, Diabetes, and Stroke May be Higher

Eating a diet high in sugar is linked with several increased risks, including depression, type 2 diabetes, and stroke.

What the doctor never told you about A-fib and dementia

CNN Digital – Known as A-fib, atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat often described by many people who have it as a “quiver,” “flutter”...

Ultra-processed foods make up 60% of America’s diet

More than 70% of American kids' diets consist of processed foods, said one dietitian nutritionst. 

The Medicare Advantage Influence Machine

KFF Health News – Federal officials resolved more than a decade ago to crack down on whopping government overpayments to private Medicare Advantage health...

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