
heart disease - search results

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Study: ‘Assisted reproductive technology’ babies ‘30% greater odds of having’ heart complications

Babies conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) are 30% more likely to have serious heart defects.

Millions are Taking a Drug that Falls Short of its Promise to Lower Risk of Heart Attack

MEDCITY NEWS – While fibrates are proven to lower triglyceride levels, which can serve as a biomarker for cardiovascular disease risk, several major clinical...

Doctors warn this trendy diet could lead to ‘heart issues and dementia’: ‘Playing with fire’

Eating a meat-heavy diet could result in heart disease and high cholesterol, experts warn.

Sugar substitute erythritol may increase risk for heart attack and stroke, study finds

CBS NEWS – Erythritol, a sugar substitute commonly used in keto-friendly and other reduced-sugar products, may increase risk for negative cardiovascular events such as heart attack...

Why skipping breakfast can be bad for your heart

Some say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Is it really? That's up for debate. However, skipping the first meal is not the healthiest choice and can even put someone at risk for health issues. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, Dr. Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, a Mayo Clinic cardiologist, explains why.

Fish Oil Supplements May Increase Atrial Fibrillation Risk for Some

Research has been mixed in regard to fish oil supplementation for heart disease. Find out who may benefit, who should avoid it, and how much to take.

U.S. dietary guidelines should emphasize beans and lentils as protein, new proposal says

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Replacing some red and processed meats with plant-based protein sources could help address that.

8 Factors That Put You at Risk of Severe Flu

“People who have heart disease are less able to tolerate the stress of the infection itself.”

More People Search For Gambling Addiction Help As Sports Betting Grows

KFF HEALTH NEWS – A new study suggests that the growing number of states legalizing sports gambling is cause for concern. Meanwhile, heart failure...

Mayo Clinic Q and A: Cholesterol — know your numbers

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I am in my 30s and overweight, but I thought I was too young to worry about cholesterol. I just learned...

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