
heart disease - search results

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Artificial sweetener may increase heart disease risk by triggering insulin surges

New research finds a link between higher risk for cardiovascular disease as the artificial sweetener aspartame.

Eating just one egg a week could be enough to lower your risk of dying from heart disease

The consumption of eggs 1–6 times per week was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality

Sitting too much linked to heart disease –– even if you work out, according to new study

Sitting in an office all day could be linked to cardiovascular disease, a new study suggested.

Expert explains how to improve heart health, even if your family has history of heart conditions

MAYO CLINIC NEWS NETWORK — It’s not unusual to have one or more family members with some form of heart disease. Nonetheless, some people...

What’s the best way to relieve heartburn, and what causes it?

Feeling the burn? While heartburn is something a lot of people experience, there's also confusion around what causes it and what will make it go away.

How a Healthy Breakfast Could Lower Your Cardiovascular Disease Risk

HEALTHLINE – Eating a substantial breakfast is important for heart health, but what you eat at that first meal of the day is also...

Duck Dynasty star gets heartbreaking news: ‘There’s no curing what he has’

Phil Robertson has gotten some bad health news, according to his son Jase Robertson.

Mayo Clinic Minute: A cardiologist’s tips for a healthy heart

Mayo Clinic News Network – Today's age of quick access to information, constant updates on medical advancements and health recommendations make it easy to...

What makes oatmeal the ideal breakfast for heart health and weight loss?

MAYO CLINIC NEWS NETWORK – Oatmeal is a nutritious, inexpensive and versatile way to incorporate whole grains into your diet and help you start your...

History of COVID-19 doubles long-term risk of heart attack, stroke and death

News Release | Peer-Reviewed Publication Cleveland Clinic –  A history of COVID-19 can double the risk of heart attack, stroke or death according to new research...

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