
Rep. Luna demands Capitol Police charge Jane Fonda for suggesting the ‘murder’ of pro-lifers

Fox News – Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., reported Jane Fonda to Capitol Police “for threatening public officials” after the actress suggested the “murder” of pro-life activists as a solution to push the pro-choice agenda.

During an appearance on “The View” Friday, Fonda was asked what ways, besides protests and marching, pro-abortion activists could take action. Fonda responded, “Murder.”

While her fellow hosts laughed off the comment, Fonda didn’t crack a smile or clarify that the comment was a joke during the show, though she later claimed the comment was “hyperbole.”

Luna identified the comment as a threat to pro-life activists, immediately reporting it to Capitol Police and demanding Fonda and “The View” hosts be held accountable.

[Luna did not comment on the octogenarian activist’s advanced age. At 85, senility has to be considered as a possible factor. – HH]

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“Charges should be brought against her for threatening public officials. This gross type of intimidation and calls for violence should never be acceptable, regardless of political ideology,” Luna told Fox News Digital Tuesday.

“Calling for murder of pro-life politicians like myself and many others is not only sick, but should be investigated,” Luna wrote in a Tweet following Fonda’s comments. Luna said she received death threats after her tweet, which she also reported to Capitol Police.

“Unfortunately for Mrs. Fonda, Capitol Police takes this issue very seriously, as do I,” Luna told Fox News’ Jesse Watters Monday …

Aubrie Spady is a Freelance Production Assistant for Fox News Digital.

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