
Porn use linked to serious health issue for men

News.com.au – New reports suggest a significant link between men who watch “problematic” pornography and the likelihood of them developing an eating disorder.

705 men participated in the study, ranging in age from 18 to 68.

The men were asked to answer questions about their pornography consumption and whether they engaged in eating disorder behaviors, such as bingeing and purging.

They were also asked about their perceived realism of pornography, along with if they suffered from anxiety and/or depression.

Additionally, they answered questions pertaining to eating disorder behaviors, such as measures of body comparison — where they compared their own bodies to those seen in pornography — and dissatisfaction with one’s own physique.

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The study also asked if they agreed with statements such as “I feel that porn is an important part of my life” and “I become stressed when something prevents me from watching porn.”

The results demonstrated that males with higher levels of pornography consumption were more likely to compare their bodies to those seen in porn and hold a negative image of their own bodies.

It also showed that higher porn use resulted in higher instances of eating disorder behaviors, such as restricting, bingeing and purging food.

The study also stated that problematic pornography use, in addition to eating disorder behaviors, could negatively impact various aspects of an individual’s functioning and well-being.

This includes sexual functioning problems, hypersexuality, and overall mental health … READ MORE. 

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