
Petroleum Jelly: Health Benefits and Uses

By WebMD

Helps Wounds Heal

Petroleum jelly hit the market almost 150 years ago. It’s still a favorite of dermatologists. That’s because it seals water into your skin. That’s good for your wounds because they need a moist place to heal.

It may take up to twice as long for dry injured skin to get better. This oily moisturizer may also ease the redness of a new scar and lower your chances of infection. It also won’t burn when you put it on.

Relief for Eczema and Psoriasis

With some conditions, your skin may have a hard time keeping water in and bad stuff out. If it’s really dry, it could crack and let in bacteria.

Petroleum jelly may help your skin and the medicines you take work better. It can ease inflammation and keep your skin moist. This can help you itch and scratch less.

To get the most out of your petroleum jelly, use it on your skin when it’s damp.

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Blister Prevention

Before you head out for a run, rub some petroleum jelly between your legs or on your heels. It may keep you from chafing in areas that rub together. If you do get a blister, petroleum jelly on your sore can help it heal.

Hemorrhoid Help

Petroleum jelly may help you feel better if you have a hemorrhoid flare. You can add a layer inside your anal area to protect your sensitive skin. This may make it more comfortable to poop. You may itch and hurt less, too.

Windburn Prevention

Petroleum jelly can protect your skin against wind and cold. Just rub a thin layer on any area that might get exposed to the air.

You can also dab a little under your runny nose if it gets dry. But you may want to avoid areas that are acne-prone. Petroleum jelly can trap bacteria and oil in your skin. That can make your breakouts worse …


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