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Big Pharma’s Chokehold On Diabetics Is About To End

Civica Rx, a non-profit generic drug maker, has announced that it plans to manufacture and sell insulin for no more than $30 a vial. It is expected to be available as soon as early 2024, pending federal approval.

Big Pharma Overcharges Men 400% For Prostate Drug Developed At Taxpayer Expense

LOS ANGELES TIMES – Xtandi, a wonder drug for prostate cancer, was developed at UCLA with substantial funding from the taxpayers through the Pentagon...

Seeking Refills: Aging Pharmacists Leave Drugstores Vacant in Rural America

Pharmacies were once routinely bequeathed from one generation to the next, but, in interviews with more than a dozen pharmacists, many said the pressure of running an independent drugstore have them pushing their offspring toward other careers.

Big Pharma Fast-Tracks Omicron Vaccines

The World Health Organization on Friday said the new strain, named omicron, is a “variant of concern” that may pose a higher risk of reinfection than past mutations of the virus. Pfizer and BioNTech said they are investigating omicron, first labeled B.1.1.529, and can adapt their vaccine quickly if needed.

Big Pharma Spikes Medicare Part B Premiums

WASHINGTON (AP) — Medicare’s “Part B” outpatient premium will jump by $21.60 a month in 2022, one of the largest increases ever. Officials said...

Pharma Campaign Cash Delivered to Key Lawmakers With Surgical Precision

Kaiser Health News – The Biden administration and Congress are embroiled in high-stakes haggling over what urgent priorities will make it into the ever-shrinking...

Boosters Mean Billions For Big Pharma

Boosters will likely be offered broadly in the coming months. That, plus continued growth in initial vaccinations, could mean a huge gain in sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna.

Big Pharma Just Bought Off Federal Scientists

KAISER HEALTH NEWS – To several U.S. senators, it looked wasteful, even outrageous. Every year, taxpayers pay for at least $750 million worth of...

Bought And Paid For: Big Pharma Doles Out Campaign Cash To 2,400 Legislators

WASHINGTON — State lawmakers in Oregon have tried to lower high drug prices from nearly every angle: They’ve sought to cap how much people can...

Vaccine-Tampering Pharmacist Sentenced To Prison

Steven Brandenburg stated he was skeptical of vaccines in general, specifically Moderna, and told his coworkers his beliefs about vaccines.

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