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Mandates Drive Up Vaccinations At Colleges, Despite Leniency

Universities with mandates report much higher vaccination rates than communities around them, even in places with high vaccine hesitancy.

Are COVID-19 Boosters The Same As The Original Vaccines?

COVID-19 boosters use the same recipe as the original shots, despite the emergence of the more contagious delta variant. The vaccines weren't tweaked to better match delta because they're still working well.

Pharma Campaign Cash Delivered to Key Lawmakers With Surgical Precision

Kaiser Health News – The Biden administration and Congress are embroiled in high-stakes haggling over what urgent priorities will make it into the ever-shrinking...

Vaccines Five Times More Effective Than Natural Immunity, CDC Finds

Unvaccinated people who had survived a previous COVID-19 infection were more than five times more likely to be reinfected with the virus compared to those who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

Vaccine Makers Ready For “Escape Variant”

NATURE – Pfizer’s chief executive, Albert Bourla, made a bold promise in June. Standing next to US President Joe Biden at a press conference...

PANTS ON FIRE: Biden Fails Covid Fact-Check

President Joe Biden botched the numbers behind the COVID-19 vaccine rollout Thursday as he stretched to take all the credit for the surge of shots once he was in office.

Who Needs a COVID Booster Shot, According To Science

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN – It’s a question on many people’s minds these days: Do I need a booster dose of a COVID vaccine? The answer, like...

FL Chief Fired for Not Forcing Firefighter Vaccinations

A Florida battalion chief has been fired for refusing to discipline workers who hadn't gotten a COVID-19 vaccine in violation of a requirement for county employees.

Women Who Regret Their Tragic Vaccine Decisions

With just 31% of pregnant women nationwide vaccinated, the CDC issued an urgent advisory on Sept. 29 recommending that they get the shots. The agency cautioned that COVID-19 in pregnancy can cause preterm birth and other adverse outcomes, and that stillbirths have been reported.

Why Vaccinated People Are Dying From Covid-19

Health officials worry that anti-vaccine activists will seize upon Colin Powell's death to make the claim that vaccines don't work.

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