
Oral Hygiene to Potentially Affect The Brain

New research found that oral hygiene may be directly linked to brain health.

HEALTHNEWS.COM – As children, we were constantly told to brush our teeth three times a day after eating our meals.

Even on long days when we feel like running toward bed after a difficult day at work, we are constantly reminded to end the night by brushing our teeth. Now, all that nagging may pay off, as studies showed that taking care of your oral hygiene can also improve your brain health.

The findings, to be introduced at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference in Dallas, Texas in early February, says taking care of your teeth and maintaining a healthy oral condition can diminish the aging of cognitive abilities.

On top of oral hygiene, tackling your dental complications early can also contribute to your brain health.

Preceding research has revealed that oral complications, including poor oral hygiene, gum disease, or missing needed teeth can contribute to other health complications, including stroke risks, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

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“Poor oral health may cause declines in brain health, so we need to be extra careful with our oral hygiene because it has implications far beyond the mouth.”

Dr. Cyprien Rivier of Yale School of Medicine, the research author, said:

“Studying oral health is especially important because poor oral health happens frequently and is an easily modifiable risk factor — everyone can effectively improve their oral health with minimal time and financial investment.”

The study involved 40,000 British adults, with an average age of 57. Participants also had no prior history of stroke between 2014 and 2021. Researchers utilized a specified type of study known as mendelian randomization, which entails utilizing genetics to preview health outcomes.

All participants were evaluated for 105 genetic variants that could potentially exhibit vulnerability to cavities, tooth loss, and dentures, and how that related to brain health.

Brain health and cognitive functions were assessed through MRI imaging, displaying any damage in the brain’s white matter, which can hinder memory, balance, and more …

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