
New Study Backs Simple Weight Loss Strategy That Doesn’t Require Drugs

SCIENCE ALERT – The hints keep stacking up. Yet another review has found plant-based diets are associated with better long-term health, this time specifically around weight loss and prevention of heart disease.

What’s more, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University medical researcher Yani Xu and colleagues found the consumption of raw vegetables may play a large role in these outcomes.

“Obesity and its associated complications not only lead to increased morbidity and mortality, but also to a reduced quality of life,” write Xu and team in their paper.

“A plant-based diet is a viable option for people who want to control their body weight and improve the quality of their diet to prevent and treat metabolic diseases.”

From healthier cholesterol levels, hearts, brains, bowels, and immune systems, to greater longevity in general, studies keep finding these strong associations between vegetarian and vegan diets with reduced risks of major diseases.

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While this doesn’t mean we should all immediately swear off meat, it does imply reducing meat where possible can have a powerfully positive impact on our health.

Searching through past scientific literature, Xu and team found 24 studies exploring the relationship between plant-based diets and weight loss.

Pooled data from the studies provided details on 2,223 people between the ages of 18 to 82, with durations of the diets studied varying from two to 96 weeks.

The review indicates the positive impacts of plant based diets increase over time, explain Xu and colleagues. While those on strictly vegan diets lost the most weight, it was not significantly more than the participants who still consumed dairy and eggs.

But the studies that involved an increased consumption of raw vegetables seemed to support the strongest links to a lower risk of obesity and heart problems, the researchers found …

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