
Never Again: Stand Up to Left’s Use of Covid to Shut Down America

We are Americans, it’s time we acted like it!

AMERICAN GREATNESS – The Democrat Leftists and oligarchical elites are very capable people; it brings pain to admit it, but it’s true.

In the midst of seeking the demise the 45th President and his legal team from 2020, they have managed to continue the fear factor that ushered in mail-in ballots and multiple week voting ensuring a myriad of unexplained discrepancies, ballots without a chain-of-custody, and the White House.

While they are hell-bent on destroying anyone who dares to question an election, they also have declared war on the American people through their war on fossil fuels, their lust for a green economy, and the fear-mongering of lockdowns and mandates.

By now everyone should realize that Democrats do not love their Country—they love power and they are content with destroying it to ensure they maintain it.

Lockdowns have been trending the last several weeks heading into election season as a form of conditioning the weak-minded to comply when they come—and they are coming.

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Every Democrat is using Covid-19 in their rhetoric and even some Republicans are starting to join in “for the common good”—becoming controlled opposition.

There isn’t anyone who does not remember where they were on September 11, 2001. Sadly, because of the lockdowns and mandates many have a similar memory. None are good memories. I have my own recollections of what happened in 2020.

In 2019 at the age of 90, my father began to have a series of strokes. Due to his need for skilled nursing, we reluctantly had to place him in a facility in January 2020. Fast forward to March, our Country was changed forever by fear more than the Coronavirus.

Governors in many states expanded their executive powers by issuing states of emergencies—giving them excessive overreach and as we have seen lately—some Governors feel it gives them unbridled authority to suspend Constitutional rights.

In my own State of North Carolina, Governor Roy Cooper wasted no time shutting businesses and churches down, which he deemed “unessential” …

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