
Mitch McConnell hospitalized after fall in hotel

PLUS: Fetterman's severe clinical depression

CNN — Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been hospitalized after a fall at a hotel in Washington, DC.

“This evening, Leader McConnell tripped at a local hotel during a private dinner. He has been admitted to the hospital where he is receiving treatment,” a spokesperson for the Kentucky Republican said in a statement.

The fall happened at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Washington, DC, according to a source familiar with the matter.

McConnell fell at his Kentucky home in 2019, fracturing his shoulder.

Democratic Sens. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania and Dianne Feinstein of California have also been hospitalized in recent weeks … READ MORE. 

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“Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death among adults age 65 and older.” – CDC 

Fetterman Runs His Senate Operation From Walter Reed

A dozen miles from the Capitol, the first-term Democrat from Pennsylvania is keeping up with his work while being treated for severe clinical depression.

March 9, 2023 | THE NEW YORK TIMES — In a cheerfully decorated common room at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, with floral paintings adorning violet walls, Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania begins most days meeting with his chief of staff, who arrives at around 10 a.m. carrying a briefcase full of newspaper clips, statements for him to approve, legislation to review and other business of the day.

The contents of that briefcase encompass the majority of Mr. Fetterman’s connection to the outside world these days, as the first-term Democrat from Pennsylvania finishes his third week in the hospital being treated for severe clinical depression.

Doctors caring for him have said Mr. Fetterman should limit his exposure to cable television, the internet and social media — a major information detox for someone whose obsession, and occupation, is politics.

Mr. Fetterman, 53, rushed back to the campaign trail last year after suffering a life-threatening stroke days before the Democratic primary, a decision that those close to him believe may have taken a long-term toll on his recovery. This time, he is set on taking his time in treatment, with the hope of returning to work within the next few weeks.

After being sworn in to office in January, Mr. Fetterman struggled to adjust to life in Washington, where the lingering effects of his stroke made the transition exceedingly difficult. He was hospitalized briefly last month following an episode of lightheadedness, and then voluntarily admitted himself for psychiatric treatment, revealing to the world his depression diagnosis.

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“We were honest with people about what’s going on, we put it out there,” said Adam Jentleson, his chief of staff. “The attacks will be what they’re going to be, but the attacks aren’t going to be any worse if he was in a few extra weeks. The main thing is for him to come out and not have to go back.”

That means that for now, Mr. Fetterman is spending his days not at the Capitol but 12 miles northwest at the sprawling Walter Reed campus, where he takes long walks on the trails and participates in talk therapy sessions. His doctors are continuing to monitor the dosages of his medications … read more [subscription may be required] 

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