
McDonald’s responds amid a conservative backlash against ‘woke capitalism’

FORTUNE – McDonald’s quietly removed the term “ESG” from some parts of its website at a time when environmental, social and governance initiatives have been attracting criticism from some conservative policymakers in the US.

The fast-food chain’s “Purpose & Impact” website recently removed several mentions of ESG, according to an analysis by Bloomberg News.

One web page that was titled “ESG Approach & Progress” is now labeled “Our Approach & Progress.” Most of the other text remains similar.

Another web page, previously titled “Performance & ESG Reporting,” now shows up as “Goal Performance & Reporting.”

In some instances, McDonald’s subbed the phrase “environmental and social issues” for the ESG abbreviation … READ MORE. 

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Inspectors shutter McDonald’s over 30 health, safety violations

GREENFIELD, MA — The Health Department closed another one of the city’s fast-food restaurants on Monday morning after following up on a tip that led to the discovery of about 30 health and safety violations at McDonald’s on Federal Street.

“They knew something was wrong,” Health Director Jennifer Hoffman said of the anonymous tip the department received late last week from an employee. “This is stuff we need to know.”

Violations included out-of-date Canadian bacon, an unsanitary food serving station, a dirty storage rack, unlabeled and improperly stored food items, half-eaten food in the preparation area and a grease fryer in need of cleaning. Some food handling temperatures also were out of compliance.

The owner of the establishment, Jorge Gomez, could not be reached by press time. Hoffman said the department tentatively plans to return Tuesday to reinspect.

“Depending on what it’s like, and the staffing, we may do something similar to what we did with Taco Bell,” Hoffman explained.

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The Kentucky Fried Chicken/Taco Bell restaurant on the Mohawk Trail was closed Thursday after health and fire safety inspectors identified about 30 violations or concerns. After a thorough cleaning and subsequent re-inspection, the drive-through was allowed to reopen …


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