
Martha Stewart Posts While Drunk, With Hysterical Results

The New York Post – Booze and social media apparently don’t mix well for Martha Stewart.

The 78-year-old delighted fans recently when she left a gibberish comment on an Instagram post after downing too many cocktails.

Stewart’s comment on the chicken farm account The Best Little Hen House in Texas accidentally came out:

“M as me sure you feed and wAter them daily And keep the heat lss as no MK in s as Nd when you can finally come back to nyc who is going to take care for them??”

She then followed up with a laughing crying emoji face alongside, “What a mess I have been drinking … ” Read more. 

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Effects of alcohol on COVID-19 

March 24, 2020

HealthLine – Experts advise against using substances such as marijuana or alcohol to help reduce stress, anxiety, and loneliness while social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, these behaviors can present additional problems.

Marijuana and other inhaled substances including cigarettes and e-cigarettes or vaping devices can be acutely dangerous because of the stress they place on the pulmonary system.

Alcohol use can affect the general health of the body, leading to potential outcomes like sleeping less, and a weakened immune system.

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As feelings of anxiety, depression, or sheer boredom mount due to the growing pandemic of the coronavirus and COVID-19, the desire to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism could become more problematic.

Experts warn against self-medicating during these stressful times for a multitude of reasons … Read more. 

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