
Kansas lawmaker doesn’t want to share restroom with ‘huge’ transgender colleague

Fox News – A Kansas state lawmaker said she isn’t thrilled about having to share a restroom with her “huge” transgender Democratic colleague.

Rep. Cheryl Helmer made her stance known in an April 23 email to a University of Kansas graduate student, saying “personally I do not appreciate the huge transgender female who is now in our restrooms in the Capitol,” The Washington Times reported.

Helmer was referring to Rep. Stephanie Byers, the state’s first elected transgender lawmaker.

In response to the remarks, House Speaker Ron Ryckman Jr., a Kansas City-area Republican, said “it’s unfortunate those words were said.”

The email came as the GOP-controlled legislature is making efforts to override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of a ban on transgender athletes in girls’ and women’s K-12 and college sports.

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“You can’t lop a penis off and then expect, you know, a little boy to now live his life. He’ll be in regret for the rest of his life.” – Kansas Rep. Cheryl Helmer

Lawmakers in the state Senate recently voted 28-10 to override the veto. The House is expected to take a vote on the matter, though it was not clear when.

Byers said Tuesday, The Times reported:

“We know this has been going on in offices, and back rooms and conversations since the day I was elected.” 

“The shocking part is that it came out, that someone actually said it.”

Helmer, 70, said she was in the Statehouse with a mother and her young daughter and Byers several months ago. She said the child was scared of Byers.

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She also said parents shouldn’t be allowed to change the gender of their children.


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