
It’s Like a Fitbit, But for Your Penis

INSIDE HOOK – In a season three episode of Sex and the City, Charlotte attempts to get to the bottom of her husband’s impotence by placing a ring of postage stamps around his penis while he sleeps.

The idea is that if the ring is broken in the morning, it means he is getting hard in his sleep, suggesting the root of his erectile dysfunction is mental or emotional, not physical.

As it turns out, the now infamous postage-stamp test was more than just a gag.

Twenty years later, a new device hopes to update this DIY monitoring system with modern technology.

Enter the Adam Sensor, reportedly the first-ever wearable erection tracker that allows men to monitor their sexual health.

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“The Adam Sensor is currently only available at a clinic in London, and only for men who have come for specialist erectile dysfunction investigations with a doctor. However, the team behind the device hopes it will be available for home use by mid-2022.”

Made by Adam Health, the ring-shaped device worn around the base of the penis.

It counts how many erections a man experiences in his sleep, essentially relying on the same general premise as the OG stamp test:

if night-time erections are still occurring during sleep, then the body’s erection mechanism is in working order, at least physically.

Healthy men experience an average of three to five erections per night. 

While experts aren’t entirely sure why night wood is a thing, “most doctors agree that night-time erections are a sign that everything is in working order.”

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