
Is It Aging or Alzheimer’s?

Is Your Memory Slipping?

We all forget things sometimes, especially when life gets busy. You may start to notice this happening more often as you get older.

Mild memory loss can be a normal part of aging. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to have dementia. Only 1% of people over age 65 with normal age-related memory issues will get dementia each year.

When Forgetfulness Is a Problem

If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks, that’s a sign you shouldn’t ignore. Are you forgetting things you only just heard?

Asking the same question over and over again? Relying on lots of paper or electronic reminders just to get through the day? Talk to your doctor if you or your family notices that happening to you.

Hard to Plan or Solve Problems?

Everybody makes a mistake sometimes. Maybe you made an error in the checkbook last month or paid the wrong amount on a bill. That’s normal stuff we all do.

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But if you are really struggling to do things like follow directions in a familiar recipe or keep track of bills the way you used to do, it could be a warning sign of memory problems.

Struggle With Everyday Tasks

Having trouble using that TV remote? Forgot how to set the microwave? If you need a little help now and then with those kinds of things, it’s likely nothing to worry about.

But if you have problems doing regular activities you’re used to doing, like driving to places you always go, playing favorite games, or finding your way at the grocery store, it may be a sign of a more serious memory issue.

Where Did I Park?

We’ve all had it happen. You come out of the store and think, “Now, where’d I leave my car?” It’s normal to forget where you parked now and again.

If it happens regularly, though, check with your doctor. It could be a warning sign of dementia.

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Can’t Find Your Keys

Most of the time when you forget where you’ve left something, like your keys or your glasses, you should be able to think back, retrace your steps, and find whatever it is … READ MORE. 

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