
How to Have the Best Sex of Your Life

Regular rolls in the hay could improve your heart health, reduce stress and depression, improve your self-esteem, and help you sleep better. Try these tips to boost the frequency and make it more satisfying.

WEBMD – Sex isn’t just fun. It’s good for you too. Every orgasm releases a flood of the hormone oxytocin, which improves your mood.

Regular rolls in the hay could improve your heart health, reduce stress and depression, improve your self-esteem, and help you sleep better. Snuggling together underneath the sheets also makes you feel closer to your partner and enhances your sense of intimacy.

Communicate With Your Partner

Couples who talk to each other about their wants and desires have better sex and a healthier relationship, research finds. Tell your partner what you like and don’t like. Share your most intimate fantasies and desires. If you’re too bashful to say those private thoughts out loud, write them down in a story or a journal entry for your partner to read.

PRO TIP courtesy of Headline Health – “Wanna get together?” 

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Try Something Different

Spice up your sex life by stretching your boundaries as a couple. Play around with foreplay. Touch each other in new ways. Try out different sex positions to see which ones feel best. Dress up in costumes and play as characters (nurse-doctor, cowboys). Move from the bed to the floor, the bathroom, or the kitchen counter.

PRO TIP courtesy of Headline Health – “Wanna get together over there?” 

Schedule Time for Intimacy

No matter how much you might want to have sex, your busy schedule can get in the way. So pencil sexy time into your calendar, just like you would other important dates. Then you’ll be less likely to skip it.

Setting a date gives you time to prepare and something to look forward to. Book sex as often as is realistic — whether it’s once a week or every other day. Choose times when you know you won’t be tired or distracted …

PRO TIP courtesy of Headline Health – “Wanna get together at 4 o’clock?” 

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