
House G.O.P. Floats Medicaid Cuts and More to Finance Trump’s Huge Agenda

Republicans are considering longtime conservative goals, like slashing Medicaid

THE NEW YORK TIMES – Top Republicans are passing around an extensive menu of ideas to cover the cost of a massive tax cut and immigration crackdown bill.

They could create a 10 percent tariff on all imports, bringing in an estimated $1.9 trillion.

They could establish new work requirements for Medicaid recipients, bringing in $100 billion in savings.

They have even calculated that they could generate $20 billion by raising taxes on people who can use a free gym at the office, according to a 50-page list of options that the House Budget Committee has circulated in recent days.

Top Republicans are passing around a 50-page list of ideas on how to cover the cost of a tax cut and immigration crackdown bill.

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The bigger challenge for Republican leaders is trying to figure out what can pass Congress and be signed by President Trump.

House Republicans huddled in the Capitol on Wednesday to discuss a mix of options on the table.

Complicating their task is a political challenge: Many of the cuts Republicans are contemplating target programs aimed at helping low-income Americans, all in the service of paying for the extension of tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthy.

The overarching goal is to push through a behemoth bill that cuts taxes and clamps down on immigration using a process called reconciliation, which would allow Republican leaders to avoid a filibuster and move legislation through the Senate with a simple majority, even if all Democrats are opposed.

Many of the G.O.P.’s anti-spending members have said they cannot support a bill that adds significantly to the nation’s debt …

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“Republicans have long sought to scale back Medicare and Medicaid, the government programs for the elderly and poor, and the budget panel’s list outlined a slew of options for doing so … “

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