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Can I walk my dog during a pandemic?

We take on U.S. coronavirus concerns

Mar 18, 2020 |

American Kennel Club – As the coronavirus and ensuing panic have spread, the big question concerning pet owners is:

can dogs get coronavirus?

There is currently no evidence that this strain of coronavirus, COVID-19, is a threat to dogs.

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That said, dog owners face the unique responsibility of maintaining their dogs’ health and safety while adhering to increasing recommendations towards social distancing, self-monitoring, and even quarantines.


Video: Facebook

To help educate on how to care for dogs during the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve put together some basic information that can help decipher dog owner questions during these trying times.

Due to the uncertain and evolving nature of the pandemic, be sure to stay up to date with local, state, and federal protocols each day, as available information and health recommendations remain subject to change.

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Can I Walk My Dog?

Since the early days of the outbreak, when social media showed photos of dogs in masks and full bodysuits, it’s been determined that dogs are not in fact at risk to COVID-19.

While dog ownership has its health benefits, all humans are currently at risk to the coronavirus outbreak. So does that mean you shouldn’t leave your house to let your dog do their business?

First, if you test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to the coronavirus, experts recommend restricting contact with your pets.

Doing so helps the virus from transmitting to their skin or coat, which might then be passed on to another person who touches your dog. In these cases, owners should consider asking family members or friends for help walking your dog or dogs.

Physical and mental exercise is extremely important for dogs and dog owners alike.

As long as the area in which they reside remains safe enough to venture outside, dog owners feeling healthy and well should plan to continue walking their dogs daily, albeit with added safety measures.

Observe any local ordinances concerning curfews, even if that means adjusting your dog walking schedule.

Owners should wash their hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds before and after each walk. Consider carrying around a pocket-sized bottle of hand sanitizer during your walks.

Practice social distancing measures by walking your dog in uncrowded areas when possible. If you live in a big city, make efforts to take your dog down less-heavily-trafficked blocks, or try adjusting walks to less busy times of day and night.

Can I Go To The Dog Park?

If you normally take your dog to a crowded dog park or dog run, consider taking a hiatus from such locations … Read more. 


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