
Four Most Common Reasons Why Women Avoid Having Sex

Research has found many reasons women avoid sex, the most common being:

1. Tiredness and fatigue

Being tired, or overwhelmed, is an easy way to put the brake on sexual desire. Scientists have found a strong link between a lack of sleep and a decrease in desire and arousal.

One study found that an hour’s increase in sleep length increased a woman’s likelihood of having partnered sex by 14%. The study also found that women who slept longer, on average, reported better genital arousal than those women who had less sleep …

“Many women have reported avoiding sex and are likelier to do so than men.”

2. Stress and anxiety

Much like tiredness, being stressed or burned out is likely to cause a decrease in a woman’s desire and arousal. Stress’ negative effect on desire and arousal has long been studied and observed in humans and animals.

When under pressure, the body goes into flight or fight mode, solely focusing on the task at hand, ignoring everything that isn’t attributed to survival (like sex).

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When chronically stressed, the body produces the adrenal hormone cortisol, decreasing the amount of testosterone, the hormone partly responsible for sexual desire in women.

This leads to a decrease in sexual desire and arousal, making some women avoid sex …

3. Relationship issues

This one may sound obvious, but one of the main reasons that women avoid having sex is due to relationship problems with their partner. A recent study found that women were more likely than men to avoid sex due to relationship issues.

The 2020 study found that women who had lower levels of relationship satisfaction and relationship intimacy were more likely to avoid having sex with their partners …

4. Medical issues

A large number of diseases, including cancer, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular diseases, and urological issues, can lead to sexual dysfunction or sex avoidance …

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