
FDA Quietly Adds Warning Of Serious Side Effects To Puberty Blockers

DAILY CALLER – Early in July, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) added a warning to drugs often used as puberty blockers in gender-confused youth.

The FDA identified six cases where there was a “plausible” link between GnRH agonists and a condition called pseudotumor cerebri, which is caused by elevated fluid pressure in the brain.

According to the FDA, all six cases were identified in biologically female children between the ages of 5 and 12; five of the six were being treated for early puberty, and the sixth was undergoing “transgender care.”

The drugs which were flagged by the FDA include Lupron Depot-Ped, Fensolvi, Synarel, Supprelin LA, and Triptodur. These types of drugs are commonly used to treat precocious puberty (early-onset puberty) in children, and can also be deployed as part of “gender-affirming” care, which involves facilitating sex changes for children, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Symptoms of pseudotumor cerebri include headaches and blurred vision which can worsen over time. The condition can lead to loss of vision … READ MORE. 

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Trans prisoner who impregnated two female inmates is ‘psychopath’: foster mom

By Dana Kennedy, August 5, 2022

THE NEW YORK POST – Depending on who [sic] you ask, the 27-year-old inmate who impregnated two women in a New Jersey prison earlier this year is either a martyr to the transgender cause — or a cold-blooded killer who got involved in a messy love triangle behind bars.

Demi Minor, as a troubled foster kid — then called Demetrius — had a record for burglaries and at least one carjacking at gunpoint before brutally stabbing foster father Theotis “Ted” Butts 27 times in 2011 at age 16.

“It was the worst murder scene I have ever seen,” Brad Wertheimer, one of Minor’s defense lawyers in 2011, told The Post. “There was blood everywhere. The community was outraged. The [foster] dad was considered a great guy, an angel.”

Demi Minor — who impregnated two fellow inmates at a New Jersey women’s prison — is behind bars for the murder of [his] foster father Theotis “Ted” Butts, whom [he] stabbed 27 times. Butts’ widow, Wanda, calls Minor “manipulative” and said: “I think all this about him being transgender is a ploy.”

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But Demetrius is now Demi, a transgender activist fighting to be returned to a women’s prison after being removed from the state’s lone facility for females in June when it was discovered [Minor] had impregnated two other inmates.

[Minor] was sent to a lock-up where she is the only person identifying as female. [Minor’s] legal team is fighting for [Minor’s] transfer under a new and controversial state policy enabling inmates to be housed according to their preferred gender identity.

Demi is also now an advocate for “juvenile justice” with an elaborate social media presence and a team of advocates who’ve backed her since 2020.

But Minor’s former foster mother, Dr. Wanda Broach-Butts, whose husband was slain by Minor, said she believes Minor is a manipulative “psychopath” using transgenderism as a ruse to get special treatment and attention in jail. She said she worries for the female inmates if Minor is returned to a women’s prison.

“I think all this about him being transgender is a ploy,” she told The Post. “He’s manipulating people to get a better situation for himself and to get attention. He’s learned the language to use. He’s dangerous and he’s a psychopath.” read more. 


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