
Fauci’s Biggest Crime

"Goodbye and good riddance."


By Larry O’Connor, TOWN HALL

Now that the Anthony Fauci era may soon be (finally) coming to an end, it may be useful to reflect on the very real damage this man has done over the course of the past several years during the most extraordinary reaction to a viral pandemic the American people have ever seen.

Under Anthony Fauci’s direction and recommendation, the American economy went dormant for “15 days to slow the spread” and then, upon his obstinant insistence, that 15 days was extended and extended and extended, creating economic and social impacts still felt across our nation …

You could argue that Fauci’s biggest crime was that he was consistently wrong, but never sorry.

And boy, has he been wrong.

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“Because of Anthony Fauci, Americans have a dwindling – if non-existent – level of faith in their public health institutions.”

He proclaimed that we had a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” at a time when he knew full well (according to his former colleague Deborah Birx) that the vaccines would not protect against infections.

He famously told us not to wear masks because they wouldn’t make a difference… he then insisted we wear a mask… he then insisted that we wear multiple masks… he then was consistently seen without masks when he didn’t know the cameras were on.

He insisted that the Covid-19 virus originated naturally at a wet market in Wuhan until the overwhelming evidence forced him to backpedal.

His mistakes and lies go on and on… and that’s fine… we all make mistakes. But Saint Fauci never acknowledges or apologizes for any of his.

These are all great candidates for Fauci’s biggest crimes, but I’ll offer one more. One that I think trumps them all.

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Because of Anthony Fauci, Americans have a dwindling – if non-existent – level of faith in their public health institutions. When the next “expert” stands in front of the American people to deliver information, advice and warnings about a public health issue, most of us will be skeptical and wonder if what we are hearing has been politicized … read more. 

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