
Fauci “Throws In The Towel” On COVID-19 Restrictions : NY POST

Fauci says it’s now up to Americans to assess their own COVID-19 risk

THE NEW YORK POST – Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday appeared to throw in the towel on more government restrictions over COVID-19 — insisting it’s now up to Americans to make their own medical risk assessments.

“This is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated,” Fauci told ABC’s This Week.

“And what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.”

The White House chief medical adviser said Americans will have to consider factors such as their age, vaccination status and whether they live with vulnerable individuals when it comes to coronavirus precautions.

“We’re at that point where in many respects … we’re going to have to live with some degree of virus in the community,” he said … read more. 

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What Fauci sees coming with the BA.2 coronavirus subvariant in the U.S.

Ailsa Chang, April 8, 2022

The U.S. could follow the trend of the United Kingdom and see a surge in COVID-19 cases driven by the BA.2 subvariant of the coronavirus, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The chief medical adviser to President Biden said that though cases are still trending down across the U.S., some states are seeing a rise.

“I think without a doubt that we are going to see a turnaround as people get out more and into the inside venues without masks,” he said. “That’s going to be certainly resulting in infections, even in people who are vaccinated.”

New modeling from the Commonwealth Fund shows the vaccination campaign in the U.S. has saved more than 2 million lives and has prevented 17 million hospitalizations.

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Fauci said that a second booster shot may be needed for Americans by the fall and that eventually vaccination could shift to a yearly injection, like with the flu vaccine.

Speaking to All Things Considered, Fauci walks through what he sees coming for the U.S., the thinking behind boosters and the advice for masking indoors … read more. 

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