
Will Trump Fire Fauci Tonight?

“Is President Trump trying to get you to quit?” – CNN’s Erin Burnett to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Oct 25. 2020 | Screenshot: Fox News/The Guardian via YouTube

“Donald Trump has signed an executive order enabling him to fire a class of federal employees that includes Dr. Anthony Fauci at will, in addition to leaders at the CDC.” – MSNBC, Oct 25, 2020

  • President Trump is being described as ‘desperate’ in the finals days before the election (CNN, Salon, Politico are among those to cast Trump as ‘desperate’ in recent days).

  • Many Americans blame the current U.S. recession on Dr. Anthony Fauci’s lockdown policies. 

Could Trump fire Fauci in a “Saturday Night Massacre” to win over voters unhappy with Fauci’s Covid-19 policies?

Trump’s New Executive Order Paves The Way To Fire Scientists Like Fauci

“Trump just signed an executive order that would allow him fire Fauci, and tens of thousands of others federal employees.” – The Hill, Oct 28, 2020 

Oct 24, 2020

Bruce Y. Lee, Senior Contributor

Forbes – Oh F. What might this new Schedule F allow President Donald Trump to do now?

That’s been effectively some of the reaction to an Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump on October 21.

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The Order will create a new category of federal employee called “Schedule F” who can be essentially fired at will by the administration.

Moving government scientists, economists, managers and other key decision-makers who are currently in “career” positions and as a result aren’t as easily dismissible by Trump into these new Schedule F positions could make previously non-partisan federal positions a whole lot more partisan. It could also significantly expand the power of Trump.

“The order eliminates the employee’s ability to appeal a dismissal and lumps him or her among political appointees — essentially serving at the pleasure of the President.” – CNN, Oct. 25, 2020 

This Executive Order didn’t seem to get that much attention the day that it was signed.

There wasn’t an ALL CAPS tweet from Trump about it. But since then more and more people have been asking what the F is.

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There have been headlines such as, “Trump’s newest executive order could prove one of his most insidious,” from the Editorial Board of the Washington Post and “Trump executive order strips protections for key federal workers, drawing backlash,” from Eleanor Mueller, writing for POLITICO. Spoiler alert, neither of these articles are positive about Schedule F.

“It is particularly noteworthy that President Trump introduced this measure as he publicly feuds with medical and scientific experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci.” – Rep. Don Beyer (Dem.-Virginia), Oct 22, 2020

Then, there’s what Joyce Vance, a Distinguished Professor of the Practice of Law at the University of Alabama, tweeted:

Yikes. You can find more similar concerns by searching Twitter and other social media for “Trump” and “F.” Of course, that particular combination of words and letters will return lots of other interesting statements too … Read more. 


A Saturday-night October Surprise from the Oval Office has happened before …

The Saturday Night Massacre refers to a series of events that took place on the evening of Sat., October 20, 1973:

  • U.S. President Richard Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox; the AG refused and resigned immediately.
  • Nixon then ordered Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox; Ruckelshaus refused and also resigned.
  • Nixon then ordered the next-most-senior Justice Department official, Solicitor General Robert Bork, to fire Cox. Bork carried out the dismissal as Nixon asked.

Dr. Fauci warns US may not return to ‘normalcy’ until 2022

Oct 29, 2020

New York Post – The earliest doses of a COVID-19 vaccine will likely be rolled out for first responders in late December — but we’ll be stuck with mask wearing, social distancing, and tough restrictions on businesses, theaters and arenas throughout next year, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned Thursday.

“I can foresee that even with a really good vaccine, that mask wearing will continue well into the third or fourth quarter of 2021,” Fauci said in an interview with National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins.

And only after that, “there will be a graded, gradual progression toward normalcy” in 2022, he said in the half-hour interview.

“We’ve got a long road yet to go,” Collins agreed.

Fauci laid out his most thorough timeline for recovery yet as the U.S. continues to see 70,000 new COVID-19 cases and some 800 deaths a day.

The good news is that right now, more than 100,000 Americans are participating in six promising, final-stage vaccine trials, with Moderna and Pfizer closest to the finish line, Fauci said.

The trial participants are being painstakingly monitored to see if they suffer any complications and if they show a heightened likelihood of avoiding COVID-19, he said.

“Right now, it’s wait and see — it’s wait and see the number of infections,” he said.

The trial data must then clear several levels of independent approval — including from the FDA — before a vaccine becomes available for public use … Read more. 

Staten Island restauranteurs Anthony and Joe Fauci are none too happy with their famous cousin in Washington. | Image: NY Post

Anthony Fauci is NOT Happy – with Anthony Fauci

And don’t call him “Fow-Chee”

“In the beginning, I thought he was fabulous, but then a few times he flip-flopped on different things. He had us all locked down at a tremendous rate.”

Dr. Fauci’s restaurant-owning cousin wishes he would ease up on lockdowns

Oct 31, 2020

New York Post – While Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to urge caution in opening up bars and restaurants in his role as national coronavirus czar, another Anthony Fauci — his Staten Island cousin — slings sauce in his popular Italian restaurant and laments what his relative has done to the dining industry.

“They shouldn’t do the lockdowns. Especially now. If you don’t abide by the rules … shut that area down, but don’t shut down the whole industry,” said the 84-year-old founder of La Fontana, Anthony Fauci.

His son, Joe Fauci, 57, who runs the now-iconic eatery in Oakwood, echoed his dad’s concerns, while still expressing admiration for his famous relative. Joe told The Post:

If there ever were a classic Staten Island restaurant, the Fauci family’s La Fontana might fit that description. The Italian eatery has thrived since 1983, garnering a huge fan base primarily from its longevity. – Staten Island Live (Courtesy of La Fontana Sorellena)

“In the beginning, I thought he was fabulous, but then a few times he flip-flopped on different things. He had us all locked down at a tremendous rate.

“They should have loosened things up when it was slowing down in the summer. Everything else was loosening up except the restaurant business.”

Dr. Fauci, 79, has in the past said he was open to a nationwide lockdown to halt the spread the deadly virus. In recent months he has said that probably won’t be necessary, but still resisted moves to get things back to normal. In September he called Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ decision to fully reopen bars and restaurants “very concerning.”

Anthony Fauci and his doctor cousin both hail from Brooklyn. The Faucis trace their roots to Naples and Sicily. Curiously the Staten Island part of the clan pronounces their last name as “Faw-See,” while the famous doctor uses “Fow-Chee.”

“My father and his father were first cousins. His grandfather and my grandfather were brothers,” the Staten Island Anthony told The Post, recalling how his younger brother would bring mail to Dr. Fauci’s family drug store in Bensonhurst … Read more. 


“Clear Split” Between Trump, Health Officials Grows As Election Nears

Trump, Fauci’s Rocky Road, Blow By Blow

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