
False Things You Believe About Shopping At Aldi

MASHED.COM – Whether you’re brand new to Aldi or you’ve been going there for years, shoppers are bound to have a misconception or two about the Aldi experience.

It’s time to dispel some of these myths and set the record straight …

“Everything in the store is cheap”

Aldi is known and loved for their wallet-friendly products, which are sometimes so cheap that you find yourself asking how it’s even a viable business option. The general inexpensiveness of the store can fool customers into thinking that everything at Aldi must be a better deal than competing chains.

In reality, there are actually quite a few Aldi products that tend to be on the more expensive side.

Most brand name items are in low supply at Aldi, so you’ll find yourself paying a bit more for those items. And if you were considering buying toiletries or meat on your next trip to Aldi, it might be wise to hold off and grab those items elsewhere.

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“Low prices mean low quality”

Scanning the aisles at Aldi and finding products several dollars cheaper than other supermarkets can seem way too good to be true, but there’s no need to fret. All of the products at Aldi are carefully vetted and go through a pretty rigorous testing process.

The Aldi quality assurance team regularly samples and analyzes all of their products, and the company further assesses the safety of their food with analyses from independent laboratories.

“The produce is a great deal” 

Shoppers tend to agree that Aldi produce doesn’t stay fresh for nearly as long as items from competing grocery stores.

In one Reddit thread, countless die-hard Aldi fans admitted to buying produce elsewhere, with many saying the low prices don’t mean much if they’re just throwing it all out a few days after bringing it home.

The bottom line? If you don’t plan to eat the fruits and vegetables you purchase right away, steer clear of the Aldi produce aisle and buy those bananas elsewhere.

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