
Evolutionists struggle for words when asked to explain the development of a firefly’s light-emitting organs

Scientists from Wuhan, China are now experimenting with firefly DNA. Sounds safe, right? – HEADLINE HEALTH

ARS TECHNICA – On one level, we have fireflies figured out.

We know the enzyme they use to make light (called luciferase), as well as the chemicals they use in the light-generating reaction.

We know them so well that we’ve turned them into useful tools for studying other aspects of biology, such that lots of people who have never even seen a firefly have used firefly luciferase in the lab.

But on another level, there’s a lot we don’t understand. Fireflies clearly exercise a level of control over when they light up, and they do so only in specialized organs. And there’s nothing like that organ in other species.

So, somehow, fireflies evolved an elaborate light-producing organ, and there’s no sign of any potential precursors in related species. Which makes it a bit of a mystery.

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“God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” – Genesis 1:25

Now, a pair of researchers from Wuhan, China, [YES, THAT WUHAN, CHINA – HH] have started unraveling what’s going on at the level of the genes responsible.

And, while they haven’t produced a complete picture of how evolution built the fireflies, they’ve brought us a lot closer.

We know a fair bit about how fireflies produce light. First off, it’s not limited to the adults we’re familiar with.

The larval stages also light up, and it’s thought that this is a way to signal their toxicity to potential predators. One idea is that this was how the light-emitting system initially evolved, and it was later adapted for mating.

In any case, the adult organs form in specific segments of the beetle’s abdomen (they form in different segments in males and females).

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They include a transparent cuticle on the exterior of the insect and specialized light-emitting cells underneath it … READ MORE. 


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