
Dr. Oz: Now’s The Time For More Sex

“You’ll live longer, get rid of the tension. It’s certainly better than staring at each other and getting on each other’s nerves.”

Dr. Oz knows what couples should be doing while sheltered in place 

March 17, 2020

New York Post – Distancing be damned.

TV medical expert Dr. Mehmet Oz says that people stuck inside should be having lots of sex to combat the effects of social distancing for the coronavirus.

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“The best solution if you’re holed up with your significant other, quarantined, is have sex,” advises the doc in a TMZ video Tuesday. “You’ll live longer, get rid of the tension.”

“Maybe you’ll make some babies,” he adds. “It’s certainly better than staring at each other than getting on each other’s nerves.” Read more.

Keep having that quarantine sex — you can’t get coronavirus from it.

Chicago Tribune – Dr. Lauren Streicher, founder and medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause, said even though COVID-19 is a new virus and the information about it changes hour by hour, she has no reason at present to tell people to refrain from sex with people they’re living with.

“What we do know is that the virus is transmitted through saliva and secretions, so as best as we can tell, the biggest danger in terms of sexual activity is just having your face close to the other person’s face,” Streicher said.

There has been no research on whether COVID-19 can be transmitted sexually, she said, and there’s no reason to think that it would be.

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“When you look at coronaviruses and what we know about them in general, the risk is really about upper respiratory transmission, as opposed to sexual activity,” she said. “If you have someone you’re quarantined with — your spouse, your partner, or whoever — I don’t think there is any problem with having sex because you’re face-to-face all day anyway.”

If someone has the virus or has symptoms, they should be quarantined away from everyone else in the home — and not having sex. If that isn’t the case, then “having sex is no worse than sitting across the table from them, as best as we can tell,” said Streicher.

Kissing is likely going to be the highest-risk activity, Streicher said, while oral sex will potentially offer the least risk.

“Oral sex is probably the best way to be away from the other person’s face,” she said … Read more. 


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