
Doctors Are Increasingly Worried About Biden

THE NEW YORKER – From the moment that Joe Biden announced his candidacy for President, in 2019, he has been attacked as being too old.

At the time, Biden was seventy-six and cast himself as a “transitional” figure—a “bridge” to the next generation. Since then, he has governed admirably, passing more meaningful legislation than almost anyone thought possible with flimsy Democratic majorities in Congress.

But, in the past year, concerns about his fitness have gained traction and credibility.

Staff, donors, and elected officials have divulged mental lapses; in February, the special counsel Robert Hur labelled the President a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” in a report about Biden’s handling of classified documents.

Last month, with more than fifty million Americans watching, Biden delivered one of the worst Presidential-debate performances in history, stumbling over numbers and words, losing his train of thought, and struggling to finish sentences.

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He often appeared unfocussed, with a slack jaw and blank eyes; afterward, the First Lady gingerly helped him off the stage.

After the debate, Axios reported that before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m. the President tends to tire and misspeak; Biden, who is eighty-one, said at a press conference, “I just got to pace myself a little more.”

Meanwhile, supporters tried to excuse his performance by invoking jet lag, a cold, a busy schedule, poor preparation, too much preparation, and a blanket shield of “good days and bad days.”

These are the kinds of difficult conversations one has when considering whether one’s grandfather can safely drive—not whether someone should run the country. Democrats, meanwhile, have damned the President with a mixture of tepid endorsements and outright defections.

After Biden reaffirmed his intention to stay in the race, Representative Nancy Pelosi, who is eighty-four and announced in 2022 that she would not again pursue the House Speakership, told MSNBC, “It’s up to the President to decide if he is going to run” …

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