
Did Bill Gates Use a Stand-In to Fake Getting His COVID-19 Vaccine?

Sadly, this isn't satire ... Have they run out of conspiracy theories?

Why do some people think that Bill Gates used a stand-in to fake getting his COVID-19 vaccine?

VAXOPEDIA – Wait, some people really believe this?!? Apparently, they do.

Why? Because they are comparing two photos of Bill Gates and they do not look exactly alike.

But if you are like most people, you are thinking that he is just older in the photo in which he is getting vaccinated and protected against COVID-19, right?

And that’s an easy thing to check. If you just look at recent photos of Bill Gates and compare them, you quickly see that Bill Gates, who is now 65 years old, is getting a bit grayer … Click source below to read more. 

Bill Gates lays out the two greatest threats to humanity

AS.COM – When Bill Gates speaks of threats to the survival of the human race his words tend to carry great prescience … 

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Gates has been on the nail several times before and during the current pandemic, not least when he warned of a huge spike in cases towards the end of 2020 when some were expectant, or at least hopeful, that the worst of the covid-19 crisis may be over.

In a recent interview with scientist and filmmaker Derek Muller, Gates laid out what he sees as the two main threats to the continued existence of the human race: climate change and bio-terrorism.

Climate change

Speaking about the threat posed by global warming and climate change, Gates painted a pessimistic picture and suggested the number of deaths caused per year worldwide could be “even greater” than that being recorded during the current pandemic”

“To understand the type of damage that could be caused by climate change, you only have to consider the devastation caused by covid-19 and imagine a similar amount of damage over a much longer period of time.

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“To put it another way, in 2060, climate change could be as lethal as covid-19, and by 2100 it could be five times more lethal.”


Gates also broached a subject that he said people don’t like to talk about: bio-terrorism.

“Somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus and so that means the chance of running into this is more than just the naturally caused epidemics like the current one.” Read more. 


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