
Dem. Congressman Tests Positive For COVID

Congressman Salud Carbajal, left, campaigns will fellow California Democrat Adam Schiff.

“I followed every precaution, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing and unfortunately was still exposed.”

(CNN) US Rep. Salud Carbajal, a California Democrat, has contracted coronavirus, he announced on social media Tuesday evening.

[The congressman’s given name, Salud, is Spanish for ‘health.’]

Just one day after posting that he’d been exposed to someone with the virus but had tested negative, Carbajal said he began to experience mild symptoms.

“I was instructed to take another test today by the Attending Physician, which resulted in a positive. I will continue to monitor symptoms and carry out my duties virtually,” Carbajal said in a statement he linked to from Facebook.

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Carbajal, 55, had been quarantining in Washington since his exposure, he said Monday:

“The vast majority of my staff has been working remotely and are not at risk. Staff members who I did interact with have been tested and are negative, or are pursuing a test.”

“I hope this serves as a reminder of how easily this virus can spread. I followed every precaution, including wearing a mask, social distancing, and hand-washing and unfortunately was still exposed. It is incumbent on every single one of us to take careful precautions in order to protect the health and safety of those around us.”

Carbajal, who represents an area that includes Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, serves as the vice chair of the House Committee on Transportation … Read more. 

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