
Deaf Sex Abuse Victims Demand Action From Pope

Agência Brasil, CC BY 3.0 BR

Feb 22, 2020, Giardini di Castel Sant’ Angelo |

ECA USA – As the anniversary of the papal summit on abuse ends, survivors gather in vigil to support Argentine deaf survivors of abuse who Pope Francis has refused to meet with while in Rome this week.

Victims and their advocates will declare the next step forward that must be done by Pope Francis in the global clergy abuse crisis.

Deaf victims of childhood sexual abuse and torture by Roman Catholic clergy from Argentina, along with human rights attorneys and global survivors and activist organizations will attempt to present themselves to officials of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) to obtain withheld documents and files pertaining to the sexual abuse of deaf children in Argentina.

According to the new church law abolishing Papal secrecy last December, all evidence pertaining to sexual abuse cases are to be provided to victims and their attorneys in criminal and civil cases around the world.

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Victims will also attempt to deliver to CDF officials a report compiled by human rights attorneys in Argentina detailing human rights violations against deaf children by Vatican officials who are refusing to cooperate in local criminal and civil justice investigations.

Earlier this week, survivors presented the report to UN officials in Geneva.

Following their discussions at the CDF, victims will then deliver the Geneva Report to the office of the Papal ambassador from Argentina to the Holy See.


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