
Dana-Farber to Retract 6 Papers, Correct 31 Following Data Manipulation Claims

THE CRIMSON – The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute initiated retractions or corrections to 37 papers authored by four senior researchers following allegations of data falsification, a DFCI research integrity officer said on Sunday.

In the emailed statement to The Crimson, DFCI Research Integrity Officer Barrett J. Rollins wrote that six manuscripts have retractions underway and 31 are being corrected.

The corrections come amid claims of data manipulation against:

  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute President and CEO Laurie H. Glimcher ’72,
  • Executive Vice President and COO William C. Hahn ’87,
  • Senior Vice President for Experimental Medicine Irene M. Ghobrial,
  • and Harvard Medical School professor Kenneth C. Anderson.

The allegations of misconduct were first compiled and publicized in a Jan. 2 blog post by data sleuth Sholto David.

In the statement, Rollins wrote that David contacted DFCI with allegations of data manipulation in 57 manuscripts.

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According to Rollins, 38 were articles in which DFCI researchers “have primary responsibility for the potential data errors.”


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