
Clueless Tourists Think Yellowstone Is Petting Zoo

VIDEO: Clueless Tourists Think Yellowstone Is Petting Zoo

ADVNTURE – A pair of tourists have been caught on camera at Yellowstone National Park using one of the native bison as a prop in a photo shoot.

There have been several incidents over the last few days where Yellowstone visitors have endangered themselves straying too close to bison, but this one was particularly risky as one of the pair posed with their back to the huge animal, leaving them unable to observe its behavior and move if it began to charge.

The incident was captured by park visitor David Spady earlier this week and shared on Instagram account TouronsOfYellowstone, which highlights bad behavior at US National Parks (often involving wildlife).

“They think Yellowstone Park is a wildlife petting zoo,” Spady said. “Some find out the hard way that wild animals are wild and unpredictable. Don’t sit your kid next to a wild 2,000lb bison with sharp horns for a photo” …

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How to avoid being gored by a bison

Here at Advnture, we’ve devoted plenty of column space to helping you stay safe from wildlife attacks, which do occasionally happen when your idea of fun involves donning hiking boots for escapades in the wilderness.

Up until now, we’ve mostly focused on animals that you might reasonably expect to encounter on the trail, such as a bear in places like Colorado and California, or a wild boar, well, pretty much anywhere. 

Though you’re not likely to meet a bison on any old hiking trail, a recent spate of high-profile bison attacks in Yellowstone National Park has us thinking that we all need to brush up on our bison safety, too.

In the month of June alone, three people were attacked by bison in Yellowstone, so many that the National Parks Service circulated a special “Don’t Pet the Furry Cows” advert to try and stem the bloodshed.

So if you’re one of the millions flocking out to Yellowstone – or to any other bison conservation area in North America – you’re going to want to know how to avoid being gored by a bison. We’re here to help …

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PRO TIP: To avoid being gored by bison, avoid bison. – HEADLINE HEALTH 

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