
Chinese scientists develop cure for diabetes, insulin patient becomes medicine-free in just 3 months

ECONOMIC TIMES – In a significant medical milestone, Chinese scientists have successfully cured a patient’s diabetes using a groundbreaking cell therapy.

This pioneering treatment was developed by a team from Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Renji Hospital, and was detailed in the journal Cell Discovery on April 30.

According to a South China Morning Post report, the patient underwent the cell transplant in July 2021.

Remarkably, within eleven weeks, he no longer required external insulin. Over the next year, he gradually reduced and ultimately stopped taking oral medication for blood sugar control.

“Follow-up examinations showed that the patient’s pancreatic islet function was effectively restored,” said Yin, one of the lead researchers. The patient has now been insulin-free for 33 months.

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This breakthrough marks a significant advancement in cell therapy for diabetes.

Timothy Kieffer, a professor at the University of British Columbia, praised the study, saying, “I think this study represents an important advance in the field of cell therapy for diabetes” …



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