

Salmonella Poisoning Outbreak Prompts Trader Joe’s Basil Recall

KFF HEALTH  NEWS – The latest food poisoning incident has sickened 13 people across multiple states and is linked to a particular organic basil product. Recall Issued For Trader Joe's Basil After Salmonella Poisons 13 Amaris Encinas, April 18, 2024 USA TODAY – Trader Joe’s basil is making people across the country sick, with the grocery chain store confirming Wednesday that the product was connected with a multistate salmonella outbreak. A number of agencies, including the FDA and...

Avian flu outbreak raises a disturbing question: Is our food system built on poop?

LOS ANGELES TIMES – If it’s true that you are what you eat, then most beef-eating Americans consist of a smattering of poultry feathers, urine, feces, wood chips and chicken saliva, among other food items. As epidemiologists scramble to figure out how dairy cows throughout the Midwest became infected with a strain of highly pathogenic avian flu — a disease that has decimated hundreds of millions of wild and farmed birds, as well as tens...

As Bans Spread, Fluoride in Drinking Water Divides Communities Across the US

KFF HEALTH NEWS, MONROE, N.C. — Regina Barrett, a 69-year-old retiree who lives in this small North Carolina city southeast of Charlotte, has not been happy with her tap water for a while. “Our water has been cloudy and bubbly and looks milky,” said Barrett, who blames fluoride, a mineral that communities across the nation have for decades added to the water supply to help prevent cavities and improve dental health. “I don’t want fluoride in...

Missouri saw motorcycle deaths rise dramatically after legislature repealed universal helmet law

According to the Missouri Department of Transportation, motorcycle fatalities have increased 47% since 2020. Last year was Missouri's deadliest on record, with 174 motorcycle deaths.

17,000 People Died From HCQ

The mass use of HCQ basically amounted to a high risk drug trial happening in real time with no sense of scientific rigor.

Beverly LaHaye, influential evangelical activist, dies at 94

THE WASHINGTON POST – Beverly LaHaye, an evangelical activist who helped organize a powerful right-wing backlash to the feminist movement, rallying opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment, abortion, gay rights and other perceived threats to “traditional family values,” died April 14 at a retirement home in El Cajon, Calif. She was 94. Her death was announced in a statement by Concerned Women for America, the Washington-based public policy organization she founded and once led. The...

What is the risk of bird flu transmitting to humans?

MAYO CLINIC – Health officials around the globe, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, are monitoring the ongoing avian influenza outbreak. Also known as bird flu, the highly contagious viral disease typically spreads among birds, but can also infect livestock and, in rare cases, humans. "Avian influenza is very common among migratory birds such as waterfowl," says Dr. Matthew Binnicker, director of the Clinical...

Treating gum disease may ward off an irregular heartbeat

NEW SCIENTIST – Treating gum disease after a procedure to correct an irregular and abnormally fast heart rate may lower the risk of the cardiac condition reoccurring. The disorder, known as atrial fibrillation, involves an irregular heartbeat and can increase the risk of stroke and even heart failure. In advanced cases, it can be treated via catheter ablation, a procedure that very carefully destroys a damaged area of the heart that is interrupting its electrical circuits. Now,...

DISGUSTING: Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows

Dairy cows across six US states have become infected with the highly pathogenic virus.

McDonald’s $25 ‘deal’ goes viral; users blame California’s minimum-wage increase: ‘Your new normal’

The price of the meal bundle was $25.39 — including sales tax, it would come to roughly $27, no drink included.

Arkansas schools send letters home from about obesity

Since Arkansas started sending the obesity letters to parents, the state's childhood obesity rates rose to nearly 24% from 21%. During the pandemic, the state obesity rate hit a high of more than 26%.

Pope Francis Says So-Called ‘Transgender’ Surgery Defies God

"God created man and woman as biologically different beings ... "

Amid Recalls, Are Eye Drops Safe to Use?

THE NEW YORK TIMES – Dozens of eye drops and ointments have been pulled from store shelves after a wave of recalls in 2023 and 2024, raising concerns about whether products used to relieve dry or irritated eyes are safe. Most recently, the drug company Brassica Pharma recalled four eye ointments sold in stores, including Walmart and CVS, after a Food and Drug Administration inspection flagged potential sterility issues. There have been no reports of...

McDonald’s will buy 225 Israel restaurants after sales losses from pro-Palestine boycotts

FAST COMPANY – The McDonald’s Corporation has announced it will take over ownership of the 225 restaurants that make up its Israeli franchise after signing an agreement with Israeli company Alonyal Limited, which oversaw McDonald’s’ operations in the country in the decades since the brand was first introduced there. Jo Sempels, president of International Developmental Licensed Markets at McDonald’s Corporation, said in a statement: “We thank Alonyal Limited for building the McDonald’s business and brand in...
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